DEGA Technology

Challenges of Building in Web3

Building Web3 games and Metaverse applications can be complex.

You must navigate a decentralized ecosystem that lacks standardization, limited tooling, and faces scalability challenges. Additionally, you need to prioritize the building blocks of Web3 infrastructure and asset management to create truly successful games. However, only 4% of developers have taken initiative to learn.

The OneAPI for All Things Web3 Gaming

Through our One API, we simplify infrastructure and asset management via a platform that empowers bold companies to quickly deploy and scale web3 games and metaverse applications.

DEGA Technology is Purpose-Built for Reliability

When you need to reliably scale, secure, and acquire users, DEGA’s technological stack will be there for your most demanding Web3 game or Metaverse application.



Using zero-knowledge proofs, Metachains are created on demand to handle peak TPS workloads or they’re provisioned ahead of time for a dedicated infrastructure for an application.

  • Metachains can each support specialized functionality (EVM, WASM, Rust, etc).

  • Metachains are run by stake pool operators as extensions to the stake pools.

  • Running a Metachain earns you tokens from its protocol.

  • Metachains are an elastic scaling solution.

- Metachains are AWS for Metaverse -



With dAuth, users can create their self-custodial wallet in 1 minute. dAuth a service that hides the complexity of key management while users remain in control of their assets.

  • Users don’t have to deal with tedious passphrases on paper.

  • Users remain in self-custodial control of their assets.

  • dAuth provides multi-factor authentication for better security.

  • dAuth provides key recovery services.

- Development tools for a better UX -



DEGA is the first blockchain to be secured by NFTs. dNFTs are used as avatars, reputation certificates and provide yield for the holders.

  • You must have a DEGA NFT to become a validator or a delegator.

  • They hide technical concepts with gamified mechanics on a mobile app.

  • dNFTs increase their rarity the longer they support the DEGA network (reputation).

  • dNFTs provide a discount for network fees based on their rarity.

- DEGA NFTs make the network more secure, engaging, and simple to use -